360 Account
Track Shipment
Home Delivery
Track a delivery to your home
Track a B2B shipment
360 Account
Color plays a key role in our brand, giving us an important tool that helps us differentiate ourselves in the marketplace and further strengthen our identity. Our enterprise and business units have important stories to tell, so we have carefully chosen colors to reflect this.
The core colors are taken from the enterprise logo. The secondary colors, although never stand-alone, provide a more calm, approachable look for our company. These colors are often used in larger amounts throughout our designs and collateral. Additional colors have been assigned especially for the needs within our digital app and web space. These colors help provide accents and additional ways to communicate things such as alerts, services, icons plotted on maps, charts and graphs, etc. They can be used in other communications as well, especially when used to draw a connection between the apps/webpages and marketing materials. These colors should, however, always be used minimally, such as iconography—never dominating the design.
For colors specific to our business units, please see the corresponding business unit sections.
Pantone 108
CMYK: 0 5 98 0
RGB: 254 219 0
100% Black (Print Use)
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
Digital Black
RGB: 33 31 32
HEX: #211F20
Pantone 300
CMYK: 100 56 0 3
RGB: 0 93 186
HEX: #005DBA
Pantone 7461
(360 Brand Blue)
CMYK: 98 24 1 3
RGB: 0 125 186
HEX: #007DBA
Gradient Purple
CMYK: 71 88 0 0
RGB: 109 41 182
HEX: #6D29B6
Use in gradient (005DBA to 6D29B6)
Icicle Blue
CMYK: 10 5 2 0
RGB: 226 232 240
HEX: #E2E8F0
10% Black
CMYK: 0 0 0 10
RGB: 230 231 232
HEX: #E6E7E8
Primary Gradient - Brand Blue to Purple
HEX: #005DBA to #6D29B6
Secondary Gradient - Brand Black to Blue
The font styles we use give personality to our thoughts and words. They bring a fresh and modern appeal to our brand voice and enable us to tell our brand story more effectively. Because the fonts we have chosen each play unique roles in our marketing communications, they are reserved for the specific uses designated here.