5 Money-Saving Tips for Power-Only Carriers

If you run a small to mid-sized trucking company, you know tight margins and increasing expenses can put the health of your business at risk. While margins fluctuate with capacity, expenses can be controlled for the most part. Here are five ways you can save money and maximize your fleet's earning potential.
1. Eliminate the fax machine.
Fax machines will soon join VCRs and corded telephones as outdated technologies. Most shippers and freight brokers are discontinuing the use of faxes due to the machines' limitations and lack of efficiency. Fax machines also come with residual costs for toner cartridges, paper and an extra phone line. This is a great opportunity to modernize your company's operations and use more efficient cloud-based technologies and mobile apps. And speaking of technology...
2. Use technology to track loads.
There are many options for tracking loads in transit, and the shipper you are hauling for may require you to use one of them. Some carry hefty per load fees that add to your cost of doing business. A better alternative is using mobile technology to track your loads at no cost. Cloud-based technologies use location-based services available on mobile devices to provide continuous updates on load location.
3. Reduce paperwork.
Another way to use technology to minimize your expenses is to submit load paperwork directly to your freight broker using TRANSFLO mobile technology. The TRANSFLO Mobile+ application uses the camera on your mobile device to capture an image and submit load documents directly to the broker. Simply download the free app and take a picture of your load documents. Faster processing means you get paid faster.
4. Leverage wireless discounts.
Of course, using mobile technology requires you to have access to reliable wireless services. Take full advantage of wireless discounts available through your broker's carrier services programs, as well as free Wi-Fi available at many major truck stops.
5. Get ready for the ELD mandate.
Regardless of your opinion on what ELDs will mean for the trucking industry, the devices will be mandatory for most trucks by December 16, 2017. Get your business prepared for this change by taking advantage of special pricing available through major manufacturers and allow adequate time to train drivers and staff on their use.
To learn more about special services and discounts available to J.B. Hunt contracted carriers, visit the Carrier Services section of our website or learn more about Power-Only carrier opportunities.